333 South Beaudry
333 South Beaudry is a class B, urban office tower complex located in downtown Los Angeles and is the headquarters building for the Los Angeles Unified School District. The building consists of 28 floors above grade and 4 floors below, including 11 levels of parking and approximately 4,000 occupants.
In 2003, Morlin Asset Management was hired to provide facilities and property management in a highly professional and efficient manner. Responsibilities included establishing operating policies and procedures, developing fire life safety procedures, and enhancing security. Additionally, the Morlin team assisted in over $100 million of deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects including the development of a comprehensive fire life safety and emergency response program comprised of customized online training, coordination of a $5.5 million elevator modernization project, and initiation of a search for alternative parking locations. We also performed negotiation of new leases, saving the District in excess of $1.1 million per year.
Building Name
333 South Beaudry
333 S. Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Square Footage
1.4 million
Building Type
Office Tower